Health and Happiness

My Practice

Mission Statement

I have been working with great pleasure as a gynecologist for more than 19 years

Since 2012 and 2015, respectively, additional training as a sexual medicine professional and sexual therapist as well as psychotherapist has complemented and enhanced my day-to-day work with my patients.

I am thus able to offer my patients specialties for which they would otherwise have to go to up to three different medical specialists.

Invitations to numerous lectures for medical specialists or laypeople highlight the great interest in serious information regarding sexual difficulties and disorders as well as therapeutic options.

In my practice, in a personal and individualized environment, you will find the most modern medical, diagnostic and therapeutic assistance, within the framework of a comprehensive psychosomatic treatment concept.

This means establishing a medical diagnosis and the consequent necessary treatment, while considering the sensitive relationship of body, mind and social environment.

From the onset of puberty through menopause, a woman’s life is shaped by her monthly cycle.

Decisive life stages of a woman like the phase of contraception, family planning or forgoing family, pregnancy, birth, the postpartum period, and menopause fall into this time. 

These life stages as well as aging typically pass without any serious health problems.

However, they can also lead to physical and/or mental difficulties/ disorders, such that not only physical but also psychotherapeutic or sexual-medical treatment may become necessary, which I perform all “from one hand”. 

My work as a doctor, psychotherapist, and sexual-medical professional thus requires holistic, responsible thinking, action, and empathy for the woman’s respective situation with the necessary time and thoroughness to be able to acquaint myself with your health and your specific needs.

I feel bound to this notion as my guiding principle. 

Our Team

Dr. med. Engel-Széchényi Gynecologist
Frau Vass MFA

Private practice

As a privately insured patient or self-payer, you enjoy all the advantages of a private practice:

You will receive appointments within my consultation hours in a timely manner, and I can accommodate your scheduling requests more flexibly, where possible.

Evening appointments are also possible for couples therapy.


  • Billing with private health insurers is unproblematic.

  • This is true in particular for all gynecological, obstetric, and psychotherapeutic treatments.

  • Sexual-medical, sexual-therapeutic, and couples-therapeutic treatments are typically not covered by health insurers and are strictly self-payer services.

  • Billings are made according to the applicable schedule of fees for doctors (Gebührenordnung für Ärzte [GOÄ]).

  • I will of course provide information regarding the costs of the treatment in advance.

  • Should you at some point have difficulties with your insurer, please notify me, and I will assist as best I can.

  • The reimbursement of treatment costs by public insurers is sometimes problematic.

  • Only in individual cases do public health insurers reimburse parts of the invoice from private doctors, despite the relevant legislation technically providing for such a reimbursement.

  • In any case, it is advisable, depending on ailment, to contact the relevant public health insurer and to apply for a reimbursement of the costs.